awami sangha
by alchemy from the seat of the empty bowl
Awami sangha?
Soto Zen nomadic community Awami sangha wish to participate to the activation of the sacred of life. Registered in the monastic lineage, his path is the one from flourishing secular at the heart of secularism. Live in confidence during a meeting or a retreat and let yourself regenerate by our meetings is a profession of faith, that of believing that simply Sit together or cooking together with an open heart, we activate ourselves and activate the world.
Our practice nestles in the heart of zazen and it is from the seat that all the proposals unfold. Also whether it is for a day of cooking or a retreat at home, it is zazen that inspires and guides us.
Awami is driven by Valérie Dai Hatsu Duvauchelle, tenzo
it is to become the cauldron of the life that circulates within us;
It is to be traversed by the vital movement,
It is the manifestation of our life here and now
It is the great Self of our unknown
It is to become the food of the world which feeds on the food of the world which feeds on the food of the world ...... like an infinite mirroring.
Activation days ?
Because to sit with the only reason to sit , because to eat for no other reason than to feed ourselves, we free our being from all its mental pollution by giving back to the body freedom to guide us. Thus the heart calms down and life circulates fully.
these days include a dialogue sitting on a cushion*, from anchor time (zazen) interspersed with a slow walk (kinin) and are part of the Japanese tradition of deep absorption.
Each activation day adapts to the situation of its guests , whether to celebrate a season and the joy of one festive meal with 9 bowls, the practice of oryokis, or cooking together we appreciate during these moments of community the taste of life in sitting and in the silent sharing of our food.
Inspired by his years spent with of Issho Fujita and his life in Japan where she was able to experience the body differently, Valerie Duvauchelle offers an approach to sitting that goes through bodily intuition.