LCB kitchen background
Build a kitchen background with the main elements to express a maximum of textures, flavors, colors.
There will then only be to let yourself be guided by the freshness found in markets, in their garden or in organic stores.
Think about your kitchen base around the number 3 if you start or 5 by choosing various things by category already puts us in the recognition of abundance and also allows us to dare to explore it by venturing on what we do not know.
Focused on the 3 bases of our menu: Cereals / Mix vegetables proteins / raw vegetables + desserts / cookies / this cross frame also has the advantage of already asking us in the "non-methodological" logic from the kitchen benevolence .
- cereals: bulgur , 1/2 round rice , millet, quinoa, Buckwheat , basmati rice
- legumes : green lentils, coral, beluga, white ingots, skunks , Chickpeas
- Oils: sunflower oil olive/grilled sesame/hemp/soy or tamari sauce, deodorized coconut oil
- vinegars and condiments : cider / vinegar balsamic/ wasabi/ horseradish/
- Sugars : (everything except sugar White to throw away ) cane sugar no refined , agave syrup, molasses, rice syrup, or nothing: replace with applesauce or dried fruit.
- spices : cinnamon, cumi, turmeric, herbs Provence, pepper (espelette), berries roses
tonka bean or vanilla powder
- Oilseeds : nuts plain cashew (or cashew nut puree), white sesame puree, black sesame puree, hazelnut puree, white almond puree
+ seeds of black sesame and blondes, sunflowers, gourds,
Umami: konbu, shiitake dried, malted yeast, brown miso, miso white, red miso, seaweed or mushrooms dried
- various Breton seaweed fisherman's salad
- Soy proteins : smoked tofu, silken tofu, plain soy yogurt, soy protein fat, tempeh
- milk plants soy, rice milk, oat milk, cooking soy cream
- flours: spelled, Chick pea flour , buckwheat flour, millet flakes, brown rice cream (pre-cooked flour),
- starches: But, kuzu, arrow root, kokoh
- chocolate pistoles, macha, rose water, flower orange tree
- baking soda
- green tea, hojicha, sobacha (roasted buckwheat kasha) ,
- fresh or dried herbs for herbal teas